Winning pizza: Lee's Tavern is 'Best Clam Pie' on Staten Island
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- In the contest for Best Clam Pie -- bamm! -- Lee's Tavern clinches the win. With clams and garlic baked into a cheesy crust bubbled to a crisp, how could a pizza lover possibly go wrong? Whether it's the clam or sausage crumble-on-pepperoni, the consistency of a Lee's pie is remarkable for the corner restaurant's fans.
Scorsese on Staten: Lee's Tavern is explosive backdrop for new film
DONGAN HILLS, GET READY FOR YOUR CLOSE UP. STATEN ISLAND, N.Y.- If you're driving through Dongan Hills and casually see a car explode in the middle of the street, don't be alarmed. It's all for the sake of Hollywood.
America's 56 greatest old-school pizzerias
In an era of gourmet, high-end pizzas, crafted in the traditional Neapolitan style and exorbitantly expensive, sometimes all you really want is a classic, old-school slice just like the ones you remember from when you were a kid. Thankfully, plenty of old-school pizzerias still exist, and we tracked down the 56 best.
5 reasons Lee's Tavern is Staten Island's Best East Shore Bar
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- Talk about a true neighborhood bar. There isn't even a sign or number on Lee's Tavern. But if they are trying to keep the Dongan Hills bar a secret it is not a very good one.
Lee's Tavern owner Diego Palemine chats about Dongan Hills
The Palemine family purchased Lee's Tavern at 60 Hancock St. in 1969. In addition to being a local favorite, the bar has a reputation outside neighborhood as having some of the best pizza on Staten Island. The family still lives in the apartment above the tavern, and their son, Diego Palemine, 37, runs the joint now.
Here are the must-try pizza places on Staten Island, according to Barstool Sports
Is Staten Island's pizza culture finally being recognized by someone other than us?